From Your POS Site
If logged-in as Admin
- Go to Receivings> select the modes if it is Receive, Return, Accept Transfer, Edit Requisition, Requisition or Disposal.
You can do your inventory transactions here.
a. Receive
Receive stock to be added to your main branch inventory.
click “finish” button
Receive example Receipt.
b. Return
Return an item. The entire receiving can also be returned by scanning the receiving receipt.
click “finish” button
Return example Receipt
c. Accept Transfer
Accepting requisition. Type or Scan barcode from requisition receipt.
click “finish” button
d. Edit Requisition
Editing sent requisition. Type or Scan barcode from requisition receipt.
After scanning, all items will be returned. Then you can edit the requisition.
It will generate new requisition receipt that will be sent to the destination branch
click “return” button
e. Requisition
Requisition example receipt needs in accepting transfer.
f. Disposal
Dispose items from your inventory
Pending Disposals are from other branches.
Only the admin can approve other branches disposal
click”finish” button
Disposal example receipt.
If Logged in as Cashier
There are only two Modes for Cashier. Accept Transfer and Disposal.
a. Accept Transfer
Accepting requisition. Type or Scan barcode from requisition receipt Transfer is per branch.
You cannot scan the barcode if the receipt is for other branches.
After you complete accepting the transfer, you cannot scan the receipt anymore.
click “finish” button
b. Disposal
Dispose an item
You can send items for disposal but it will not be removed from your branch inventory until approved by admin.
Disposal example receipt.