
  • PHP version 5.6 or above.
  • Mozilla Firefox Browser
  • Firefox addon JS Print



  1. VMPOS will run properly on php 5.6 and above
  2. Upload VMPOS on the server
  3. Import custom database on your server
  4. Edit the database.php at {folder location}/application/config/database.php
  5. Login to http://{sitename}/public using username: admin & password: pointofsale
  6. On the menu, Go to Store Config > Stock
  7. Select your main branch and press Submit
  8. You can now start registering your products or items


download (1)Important!

  • Do not delete existing stock locations because it will affect item location and user privilege and cause the system not to function properly.
  • You can delete a newly added Location but you can’t add it back using the same Location name.
  • Editing stock location will not just update stock location but instead it will create new stock location.